Wednesday 8 January 2014

Second Draft

  • I have nearly completed my editing, and still waiting to complete shoot 3, specifically for the prologue and some extra clips of the singer (Christina) to lie down and look around the house we used for the party scenes (from the second shoot).

Here I have fixed;

  1. The lip-sync for the beginning because it was slightly quick at the first chorus.
  2. Made the second shot, of this draft, shorter at the beginning and longer at the end of the clip (when it starts at out-focus and goes into focus of the lead singer).
  3. Changed and replaced one of the clips at the second instrumental after the second chorus. At first it was of Sophie, on her own, dancing. I replaced it with the lead singer and two of her friends talking and laughing. I changed the first one because the first one was too dark and had to be re-shot if I wanted this shot badly, but as well I needed at least one shot with the lead singer or it wouldn't make sense nor it would link together in any way.

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