Monday 20 January 2014

[Shoot 3] Analyzing My Shots

  Here I'll be showing you three shots from my third shoot which I could possibly use for my finished music video and three that I could work with bits of or not use in the finished piece.

  In this shot I took an establishing shot of the house we used to create the party scenes. I thought the establishing shot will help illustrate the next scene in the music video of inside the house, with the lead singer sleeping on the couch. I can definitely use this in my music video because it's good lighting and this needs to help my video make more sense.
  For this shot, I did the same as one of my other shots in my first shoot and that I've used in the final music video. This shot is a close up of the singer's face behind a tiled subway. I liked this out-focus into focus shot a lot because it has a blurred feel like you've just woken up as well from having a party the night before. I will be using this in my music video because it's showing the aftermath of the night before.
  This shot is a freehand camera shot of the lead singer sleeping on the sofa with her hair over her face. This is to exaggerate that last night tired her out she just slept anywhere, animating the lyrics "where you gonna sleep tonight". I think I'll be using this for my music video because it's showing the state in what the lead singer is in after the party.

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