Monday 27 January 2014

Audience Feedback

  • I am planning to get feedback from other people for my music video, CD cover and magazine advert. I am planning to have 3 people, minimum, to answer my chosen questions.

Here are the questions I will ask to each person;

Music Video
  1. What do you like about the music video?
  2. What can I improve in the editing?
  3. What genre would you think my music video is? And why?
  4. Compare my music video to the real thing.
  5. Which of the following looks have I achieved; urban, mellow, edgy, avant garde, pop?

CD Cover
  1. Does this CD cover reflect the genre from the answer you've given about the music video? And why?
  2. Which CD Cover do you like best? 1? or 2? And why?
  3. What aspects from this CD cover do you like?

Magazine Ad
  1. What could I change to make it better? Colour scheme? Different image? etc.
  2. What genre is expressed in the poster, to you?
  3. How could this be improved to reflect the music video?

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