Thursday, 24 October 2013

Lyric Analysis - "This Is The Life"

  Here are the lyrics to the song I have chosen from Amy MacDonald called "This Is The Life".

  The lyrics connote some crazy night and you wake up hungover and don't know where to go or what to do. I got this idea from the lines "Where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?". Although having a great time, having mates to go out with and drink with, eventually you are on your own, you don't have anything solid to fall back on, that's what I'm thinking of when I hear this line. It could mean that having the realization hit them in the morning that they have nothing and having no idea about where their future's going or heading towards. There is another way you can read the lyrics; it could be a story about how her life before she grew to fame. For example, herself being the struggling musician who is on the road playing gigs, getting better and loves her job of making music, but with that comes not knowing where your going be or where you're going stay, because you haven't got all the luxuries of a famous star just yet. It's a catching upbeat track I think the fact if you listen and analyse the lyrics properly it has quite a dark and 'low' meaning underneath the 'jolly' sounding beat.

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