Monday 27 January 2014

Audience Feedback

  • I am planning to get feedback from other people for my music video, CD cover and magazine advert. I am planning to have 3 people, minimum, to answer my chosen questions.

Here are the questions I will ask to each person;

Music Video
  1. What do you like about the music video?
  2. What can I improve in the editing?
  3. What genre would you think my music video is? And why?
  4. Compare my music video to the real thing.
  5. Which of the following looks have I achieved; urban, mellow, edgy, avant garde, pop?

CD Cover
  1. Does this CD cover reflect the genre from the answer you've given about the music video? And why?
  2. Which CD Cover do you like best? 1? or 2? And why?
  3. What aspects from this CD cover do you like?

Magazine Ad
  1. What could I change to make it better? Colour scheme? Different image? etc.
  2. What genre is expressed in the poster, to you?
  3. How could this be improved to reflect the music video?

Sunday 26 January 2014

Completed DigiPaks [CD & Magazine Poster]

CD Cover;

Magazine Poster;

  •   I chose the style of picture like it was a burned red room photo because it gives off the impression of a personal album. The pose with the lead singer looking down makes you feel like she's having a moment, unlike the album cover she's confident looking at you. I've chosen the grungy look to reflect on how the music video is shot i.e.; it's very urban. I liked the lense flares on the photograph looking image because, again, it gives a urban style to the magazine advert. It also adds to it being eye-catching and gets the viewer interested in what this artist is about.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Third Draft [Final]

  • I have now completed all of my filming and editing.

Here is what I've changed;
  • I've changed the ending of my music video. I've also changed some shots from shoot 1 to shoot 3 to give it more variety.
  • I have also added diegetic sound of the grandfather clock ticking. I thought this would exaggerate the silence in the room and that it would contrast in atmosphere from the party scenes to the next day scenes.

Monday 20 January 2014

[Shoot 3] Analyzing My Shots

  Here I'll be showing you three shots from my third shoot which I could possibly use for my finished music video and three that I could work with bits of or not use in the finished piece.

  In this shot I took an establishing shot of the house we used to create the party scenes. I thought the establishing shot will help illustrate the next scene in the music video of inside the house, with the lead singer sleeping on the couch. I can definitely use this in my music video because it's good lighting and this needs to help my video make more sense.
  For this shot, I did the same as one of my other shots in my first shoot and that I've used in the final music video. This shot is a close up of the singer's face behind a tiled subway. I liked this out-focus into focus shot a lot because it has a blurred feel like you've just woken up as well from having a party the night before. I will be using this in my music video because it's showing the aftermath of the night before.
  This shot is a freehand camera shot of the lead singer sleeping on the sofa with her hair over her face. This is to exaggerate that last night tired her out she just slept anywhere, animating the lyrics "where you gonna sleep tonight". I think I'll be using this for my music video because it's showing the state in what the lead singer is in after the party.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Second Draft

  • I have nearly completed my editing, and still waiting to complete shoot 3, specifically for the prologue and some extra clips of the singer (Christina) to lie down and look around the house we used for the party scenes (from the second shoot).

Here I have fixed;

  1. The lip-sync for the beginning because it was slightly quick at the first chorus.
  2. Made the second shot, of this draft, shorter at the beginning and longer at the end of the clip (when it starts at out-focus and goes into focus of the lead singer).
  3. Changed and replaced one of the clips at the second instrumental after the second chorus. At first it was of Sophie, on her own, dancing. I replaced it with the lead singer and two of her friends talking and laughing. I changed the first one because the first one was too dark and had to be re-shot if I wanted this shot badly, but as well I needed at least one shot with the lead singer or it wouldn't make sense nor it would link together in any way.