Monday 2 December 2013

First Draft

  •   Here is my first draft for my music video of "This Is The Life" by Amy MacDonald. The black areas at the beginning and near the end of my music video show that I need to edit in the third and final shoot later on, when I've uploaded the analysis of my third shoot.
  •   The reasoning for my out-focus into focus at the beginning of the music video, is because Amy MacDonald used this idea at the beginning of her video to 'Poison Prince' (in my list of conventions post). The out-focus in her video is because the music is just starting up, and that's what I was doing just before she starts singing. Although, the focus is a bit long at the beginning so I'd have to make an ending of that specific clip longer and shorten the beginning, so there's no long wait before she sings. I also faded the ending out like the video "Poison Prince" by Amy MacDonald as well but I wanted to out-focus it as well because it give a nice clean end to the music video.
  •   As I add in the prologue to the music video, at the beginning, the lip-syncing will adjust and fit into the song playing in the background. This is because I have noticed the lip-sync is a bit fast at the beginning.
  •   When I also go back and change clips and adjust the duration of them, I am going to change the one at around two thirds into the video. This is of Sophie dancing on her own in front of me (this shot is explained in the analysis of shoot 2). It was out of focus and when I changed the lighting to make her look brighter, the quality of the shot got worse, so as I do my final draft of my music video, I'll be sure to change it for another shot, or re-film it if I really wanted that shot.

Sunday 1 December 2013

[Shoot 2] Analyzing My Shots

  Here I'll be showing you three shots from my second shoot which I could possibly use for my finished music video and three that I could work with bits of or not use in the finished piece.

(I uploaded four stills for each sequence of continuous shots. There is one video I will try to upload. If I'm not successful in uploading due to errors again I'd have to make do with screenshots again.)


  In this shot I took of some guests to the party just hanging round in the lounge. I like this shot and I could use this in my music video. I decided to use this shot because it reflects our generation on how we socialize nowadays and at general parties. I wanted this shot in the lounge because at the beginning of the music video I'm planning to have the acting lead singer (Christina) lying down like she collapsed on the sofa and woke up early hungover the next day.


  In my second shot I have taken is most of the boys from the party, and asked them to bundle on top of one another and jump about. I am considering using this shot for my music video because these sequences of shots can be useful linking the shots with a line from the song I've chosen to use. For example; "and the people they were dancing to the music vibe" and this is exactly what they're doing. 

  For my third shot I've taken, we have the acting lead singer, Christina, having a joke about with two of her friends in the shot. I think its good that I've incorporated shots with the singer as well as some shots not including her all the time. Although, it is a little bit fuzzy but I think it'll look okay once I put the choppy edits of the shots together with the rest of the music video shots, when I am finished. 


Although, there are some I don't know whether to use them in my music video at all, due to bad focusing, lighting etc.

  For this shot, I am unsure whether I'd like to use it in my music video. It shows of one of guests dancing and waving her arms about, in the lounge. Fortunately, I didn't film or catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror behind the guest dancing because the shot could look worse. I could use it if I am desperate for extra shots but I guess it depends if it will fit in with the editing. 

  For this next shot, I've got my friend, Sophie, dancing about in front of the camera. Although, I wanted the guests to focus or look into the camera lense as such (thats if they choose to because it doesn't matter) as well as the lighting and focus isn't done well so that was my fault. I think it would look good though if I put a lighter filter over the shot so it wouldn't look so dark.


  For my final shot I'm analyzing, I have Sophie and Sam in the focus of this shot, doing what people do after a party/a night out; a kebab. I think this was a good use of symbolic usage because it represents what this generation typically does after a good night, or something along the lines. Unfortunately Sophie looked at the camera again, which I didn't want her to do but when it comes to the editing process, I can cut out the part where shes looking at me/the camera and it'll look as if it didn't happen.